Eatings Dogs and Cats in China

In central Guangzhou, China (about a 3 hour bus ride north of Macau where I currently, live) you can go to the Han River Dog Meat Restaurant and order dog soup, dog with tofu, dog steak and many more delicious recipes. You can even have spicy dog in your hot pot.

But the Chinese government is considering finally banning the eating of cats and dogs. One person spearheading the campaign to make eating dogs and cats illegal in China says: “Cats and dogs are loyal friends to humans. A ban on eating them would show China has reached a new level of civilization.”

Now I haven’t eaten dog in China but I did try dog meat several years ago in South Korea when I was working there. The only reason I ate it was so I could say “I ate dog meat in South Korea” and then watch people’s faces sour in disgust; kind of like I’m doing right now. If I eat something weird then I at least want to get my mileage out of it. (People don’t seem impressed I ate Grasshoppers and Larvae in Thailand, so I’m going to stick with my Korea dog meat story).

My vegetarian friends will delight in the news that China may make eating dogs illegal. But I think it’s sad. It’s one of the things we can still make fun of China for. They eat dogs, they spit on the ground, they pee everywhere – it’s a small solace to us as they slowly take over the world. If they get rid of all the disgusting Chinese social graces and we have nothing to coil in horror about then it takes the fun out of their world domination. And that’s about as political as I ever get…

And for those of you whining that I haven’t posted to my blog in three weeks, may I suggest you go out and eat a dog. You’ll feel better and you’ll have something fun to talk about with your friends.

Read more about the Chinese government possible ban on eating dog and cat meat here:


My friend from the Great White North sends me an email that says “Turnabout is fair play” with this photo:

One thought on “Eatings Dogs and Cats in China

  1. Here first dog and cats is not food . Second is NOT ABOUT WHAT ASIANS EAT , BUT SKINNED , BOILED ANIMALS ALIVE , TORTURE FOR HOURS , SEE VIDEOS , IS SADISM !!!!! If you torture animal is wrong !! If you torture person is wrong .I can boiled and skinned asians alive . CUT THEIR HEARTS WHEN THEY STILL ALIVE , DO WHAT THEY DO TO ANIMALS Do the same to their families , children , let them feel . how is to be skinned alive . To as Asians are the most primitive and disgusting filth on this planet , those responsible for animal torture period .

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