Smashing Guitars

I had posted a YouTube video of a banned Mastercard commercial where a kid smashes a guitar. (Click Here for YouTube Video). Just for the record, I did in fact once have a comedian in the recording studio who did a video taping of himself smashing a brand new electric guitar just for the fun of it. He bought the guitar (I think it was a Made in Mexico Fender Strat electric) and took it right out to the parking lot to smash.

He almost broke his hand. Those guitars are very solid. I don’t know how they do it for stage dramatics, but in the real world don’t try it if you care about keeping your hands.

It looks cool when Garth Brooks does it on stage with acoustic guitars – anyone have any info on the prep they do for that? After the comedian made about fifteen jabs into the cement, and still didn’t get the explosive effect he wanted – concensus was it was kind of lame and he wasted his money.

Have a good guitar smashing story?

4 thoughts on “Smashing Guitars

  1. Well…I knew a very large man once, who played bass and sat down on a guitar by accident and broke it. Does that count?

    What about a banjo smashing story? The guy was trying to kill a snake with it. It broke rather easily.

  2. I’m not sure what that guys guitar was like that almost broke his hand while he tried to smash it but there are quite a lot of videos on YouTube where normal everyday guys smashed their guitars with little problem.

  3. It was a Fender Squier electric guitar – bright orange. Maybe it’s easier to smash an acoustic guitar – are the videos of electric guitars?

  4. mmm, my friend ran over my guitar with his maxima once…luckily it was in a hardshell case. The case took a beating, but the guitar itself was fine! That is, until it got stolen. šŸ™

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