Rev. Dr. Eric Gritsch

Rev Dr. Eric W. Gritsch is Emeritus Professor  of Church History,  Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary where he also directed the Institute for Luther Studies.  A native of Austria, he experienced firsthand the reign of Adolf Hitler and the tyranny of Communism; he came to the United States in 1954.  He received his Ph.D. from Yale University and is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  He has taught at Wellesley College, the Catholic University of America, California Lutheran University, the Ecumenical Institute of Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, and in the Dr. Eric W. Gritsch Chair at the Melanchthon Institute in Houston, TX.

What is my interest in Eric Gritsch? Currently, his review and insight into the 2003 movie LUTHER; as well as his book “The Wit of Martin Luther”. Both of which I find to be enlightening and highly interesting. I anticipate finding more treasures from Gritsch’s work.
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Reviews of Luther Movie by Seminary Faculty

Reviews of the movie LUTHER (2003) from faculty of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. Original comments here:

Overall, they feel the movie to be an “ok” introduction to Luther, but absent in relaying the power and drama of Luther’s historical personality. They find the Luther movie to be “nice”.

I have also seen the Luther film. I liked it, but I am not so deep in the facts and history of Luther to know the difference. So I defer to more learned minds…

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