Email question received:
Hey Bro, great web page.
I came across your stie looking for sound effects to the musical “Annie”.
Do you know where I could find some?
Reply: – I’ve been very surprised how many live theater productions I’ve done where the sound techs totally dropped the ball on sound effects. I mean like they hadn’t even thought of it. So as a rule I’ve gotten in the habit of going through the whole script and marking every possible sound effect idea I have to present to the director for consideration. And I get even more ideas if I can watch one live run through of the cast.
I can usually get most of what I need at – and then create the rest with Protools and my personal sound effects libraries. prices are reasonable, the site is not rocket science to use. One time I didn’t get my download, contacted customer support and they had it fixed within like 30 minutes. They rock.