Reviews of Luther Movie by Seminary Faculty

Reviews of the movie LUTHER (2003) from faculty of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. Original comments here:

Overall, they feel the movie to be an “ok” introduction to Luther, but absent in relaying the power and drama of Luther’s historical personality. They find the Luther movie to be “nice”.

I have also seen the Luther film. I liked it, but I am not so deep in the facts and history of Luther to know the difference. So I defer to more learned minds…

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The Smalcald Articles of Martin Luther – 1537

In 1537 Martin Luther wrote the “Smalcald Articles”; an outline of the early church. Luther’s original 95 Theses were his own thoughts, but the Smalcald Articles were witnessed and subscribed to by many others; listed at the end of this article.

The complete text here translated into English. I think it will be interesting reading for those interested in the initial theology of the original German Protestant Reformation and eventual Lutheran Church.

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Martin Luther Letter to Pope Leo X

This is the English translation of a letter sent by Martin Luther to Pope Leo X in 1518. Martin Luther had previously published his “95 Theses” and was starting to get into trouble with Rome. This letter accompanied his “Resolutions to the 95 Theses”.

Martin Luther tells the Pope that clergy are using the Pope’s name to intimidate people into giving money they cannot afford to give. He also tells the Pope he will follow whatever punishment the Pope declares for Martin Luther speaking out.

My favorite quote from this letter is: “But necessity compels me to be the goose that squawks among the swans.”

Here is the full letter in context:

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Martin Luther’s 95 Theses in Latin and English

The original text of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses in original Latin and translated English text. More correctly the 95 Theses was actually called the “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences” by Dr. Martin Luther (1517).

English text first, Latin text follows:

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