Official Cirque Du Soleil TOTEM trailer. Opening May 2010.
TOTEM traces the fascinating journey of the human species from its original amphibian state to its ultimate desire to fly. The characters evolve on a stage evoking a giant turtle, the symbol of origin for many ancient civilizations.
TOTEM retrace le périple fascinant de lespèce humaine, de son état primitif damphibien jusquà son désir ultime de voler. Ses personnages évoluent sur une piste en forme de tortue géante, symbole dorigine de plusieurs civilisations anciennes.
Cirque du Soleil has unveiled details about Totem, its acrobatic show inspired by the founding myths and legends of aboriginal cultures and slated to premiere in Montreal in April 2010.
Cirque officials offered a taste of this latest touring show — written and directed by acclaimed theatre creator Robert Lepage — to reporters in Montreal Thursday.
“Totem traces the fascinating journey of the human species from its original amphibian state to its ultimate desire to fly. The characters evolve on a stage evoking a giant turtle, the symbol of origin for many ancient civilizations,” organizers said in a statement.
Lepage described it as “a show about evolution” and about humankind’s “spiritual relationship with the Earth.”
“Totem is a universal word that has to do with the spirits of animals and the spirit of the Earth,” he told CBC News.
The show draws inspiration from ancient cultures — including a giant, turtle-shell stage design and a hoop dancer whose costume is based on traditional ceremonial garments of various North American native tribes — and the contemporary world.
European run
Photos snapped by Cirque chief Guy Laliberté during his recent visit to the International Space Station have been incorporated into the production’s finale.
Set to debut under the Cirque’s distinctive blue-and-yellow Grand Chapiteau on the Quays of Montreal’s Old Port on April 22, Totem will star 52 performers hailing from around the globe.
After a two-month run in Montreal, Totem moves to Quebec City. The production will then travel to Amsterdam in October, kicking off the show’s European run.
Totem joins other currently touring Cirque shows such as Ovo, Allegria, Quidam and Varekai. The company, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2009, also continues its successful resident shows in Las Vegas, New York, Orlando, Macau and Tokyo
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