Askland’s Romeo and Juliet musical translated into Chinese language

My musical of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has been translated to Chinese! This work was done by a Chinese student majoring in Linguistics who goes by the handle “CocoKissh”. We did some Zoom meetings preparing for the project and that was really fun working between Seattle, WA and Beijing, China. Read more for additional info and link to the Chinese language subtitles to my Romeo and Juliet musical.

The video is available on the Chinese website “Bilibili” which is kind of a Chinese version of YouTube. The Bilibili website is available to most people in mainland China, so this makes the video widely available to a Chinese audience and the Chinese subtitles now give an enhanced understanding of the dialogue and plot lines.

My “Romeo and Juliet” musical premiered onstage in January 2015 at the Historic Lincoln Theatre in Mount Vernon, WA. I composed the music entirely to the original redacted text of William Shakespeare (that means I didn’t change any words, but I did edit the script down a bit).

With my permission, the full video of the premiere run of “Conrad Askland’s Romeo and Juliet the musical” is available on the Chinese website “bilibili dot com” at:



(From the Chinese video description)
作者康拉德·阿斯克兰(Conrad Askland)授权翻译及转载。
全剧剧本仅使用莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)《罗密欧与朱丽叶》原文。为了在字幕中保留这个特色,当演员实际台词与剧本发生冲突时,双语字幕以剧本为准,只进行少量的删词及调序重组。对于在原文中其他位置出现的人物称谓,按照演员实际台词调整。
英文字幕参考布莱恩·吉本斯(Brian Gibbons)主编 2008 《罗密欧与朱丽叶:英文》,中国人民大学出版社
中文字幕参考朱生豪 译 沈林 校 1998 《莎士比亚全集:增订本. 5》,译林出版社

When was Romeo and Juliet written?
William Shakespeare wrote the RJ story between 1591 and 1596, probably in 1595
The original story takes place in the 1300’s, the 14th century

Romeo and Juliet the musical – English – Full Show. Music composed by Conrad Askland to Shakespeare’s original English text
For performance rights, educator sessions and questions about the musical contact Conrad Askland at:
Romeo and Juliet the musical is set entirely to William Shakespeare’s Romeo Juliet text
Book, Music and Orchestrations by Conrad Askland
Filmed live on stage on Valentine’s Day February 14, 2015 at the Historic Lincoln Theatre in Mount Vernon, WA. Presented by META Performing Arts and Directed by Joe Bowen

CAST of Romeo and Juliet Characters
Juliet – Katherine Fisher
Romeo – Dylan Kane
Friar Laurence – Joe Johnson
Nurse – Lindsey Bowen
Lord Capulet – Peter Whited
Lady Capulet – Karen Pollack
Benvolio – Alex Hollingsworth
Paris – Waylon Johnson
Tybalt – Nate Wheeler
Mercutio – Mike M. Marlin Jr.
Prince Escalus – Bruce Weech
字幕制作者(中文(中国)): CocoKissh

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