Blog Stats

Someone told me a couple days ago that they enjoyed this website here, especially all the insights into musical theater. Then they asked me “Is that what a blog is?”. I kind of bristled at this being called a blog. I do not write about cats. I write about all the very important issues of art, theology and science. But remembering my recent post on humility, I had to say “Yes, it’s a blog.” Of course with the qualifier that it’s really a repository for all the information I find while working on certain projects. That’s what I like to believe anyway.

What I enjoy most about about dynamic article based sites (web logs, or “blogs”) is the ability to archive information quickly while it’s on my mind. As soon as one project is finished the information is forgotten and I move on to the next. This site has been a great way to make that information available to others.

H. G. Wells, at the end of the 19th century, wrote about the need for a “world brain trust”. A place where all the knowledge in the world would be accessible by everyone at any time. Many consider this the first concept of what the internet is becoming. Blogs are part of the brain trust. When I need specific info on a small niche area, I usually find it now on a blog. And many narrow niche arrows I have written about, others use me as a reference.

I have run thousands of websites in the past and generated a lot of income on the web. But it’s only in the last year (with an active blog) that I have felt part of the global web team. Part of a team in that I now create information for others to an equal degree that I take information FROM others for my own use.

I haven’t heard many people talk about this, but the world is changing at a lightning speed in it’s understanding of many things. A “tipping point” is happening in areas of thought where in the past not all information was available to all people. Many myths are being exposed for what they are; mostly due to more information being available to study and compare.

To me, this is the most important event in my lifetime, and perhaps the most important of the last two thousand years. Do not underestimate the far reaching effects of this. Realize a great portion of the world is being re-educated in many areas all at the same time. I am sad that I will not be around in a hundred years to witness what new generations accomplish with all the global paradigm shifts in thinking currently taking place.

My contribution to further encourage this interchange was to equip my forum communities each with their own blogs on niche subjects. In addition to this website, we currently have about 100 community blogs running so each group can make their own information readily available. I will be expanding more on this in the coming year.

So, blog stats: This blog is currently in the top 60,000 blogs worldwide on technorati, has blocked over 6,000 spam messages and receives around 30,000 page views a month. Most popular subjects on my blog are translations of Latin text to English in classical music, information on Disney’s High School Musical, and some of my posts on how to fix particular problems with computer peripherals.

What the world is interested in hearing from me are not the subject matters I most passionately speak about. But that’s a lesson in itself too. And yes, this is my official self indulgent “bloggy cat-type post”.

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