Contact Forum Admin

Happy to help if you’re a member of my forum network having problems. Please remember that most of my forums are open to the general public and I try my best to stay out of the way of discussions. The forums are there for members to interact, not necessarily as a platform for a personal agenda. Don’t be evil, have fun, share your thoughts.

If another member disagrees with you and you would like them destroyed please let me know. (Um……that was a joke).
Contact for forum admin is:


Contact Admin


Please Read First
Scroll Down for Email Contact

Didn’t receive your activation email, lost password or account closed?
Email us with YOUR USERNAME and the NAME OF THE WEBSITE and let us know you need activation.
Example: I need activation for yellowbear on


Were You Booted or Designated as a Troll?
Then you probably were a new member that dropped promotional links or just jumped into the community with rant before getting a feel for what that community is all about. Many new members are unaware that we often run competing boards for multiple perspectives. We have found that if members read our rules and get a feel for the community for a couple weeks before starting new threads, they easily become acquainted and appreciated within that community, regardless of whether they “agree” with that community. Be reasonable, be nice.

We don’t reinstate accounts that are booted, so if you have a change of heart and read the rules, just open another account. If you open another account and continue to be a troll, then we will proactively block you. We don’t want to do that.

1) New member dropping promotional links or going on rants
2) Members posting overly sexual or graphic content
3) Personal “ad hominem” attacks

The tolerance for this varies in each community – That’s why it’s a good idea to get a feel for that community for a bit. What goes on one board might not fly on another board. Each community has grown independent over time.

*Note: With our thousands of members, we only actually boot about one person or coordinated group a month. We really do want you to be part of our community.



8 thoughts on “Contact Forum Admin

  1. hello;
    I believe my username is “hotraman” . The three e-mails I use are not listed with you. Could you verify that my username is applied to me?

  2. i’m eric. joining a couple boards and looking
    forward to participating. hehe unless i get
    too distracted!


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