- WHAT: Auditions for the Northwest Boychoir
- WHO: Boys Kindergarten – Third Grades. No previous music training needed
- WHEN: Saturday, May 21, 2011.
- WHERE: By appointment at 5031 University Way NE, NB2 at the University Heights Community Center
- WHAT ELSE: Call 206-524-3234 to make an appointment and learn more about the Northwest Boychoir – or email nwc@northwestchoirs.org. More info at: http://www.northwestchoirs.org
If you’re within driving distance of Seattle, WA and know any boys age kindergarten to third grade with strong music interest then I highly recommend checking out the Northwest Boychoir. I count my years with the Northwest Boychoir (5th-8th grade), and the shows I was cast in as a result of the organization, as the single most worthwhile musical education I ever received.