Thank You Note from Lupus Support Forum

From my site at


Hi !!

I was beginning to think you were either our guardian angel administering to the angel choir, or the resident ghost admin

So, so nice to hear from you. What an incredible gift this site has become for so, so many people. Even in our “cyber” age, I find it fascinating that so many from ALL over the world can communicate and share their hearts every day. It’s not everyday I get to communicate with a hero, so it’s a good thing you can’t see me….tripping all of my keypad (smile).

With all of my heart, I thank you for this gift to Saysusie – not only has it become, what I am sure is “another” family of sorts for her; but it gives those of us with limited ability to be out and about – a place to socialize, laugh, cry…..and yep, there’s that occasional sibling rivalry behavior that goes on. I am so impressed with Saysusie and St. James, they are terrific moderators. My heart goes out to them both.

You must have the most compassionate heart to have had the insight to know how healing this site would be for her; actually – for us all. A gift that keeps on giving – I LOVE IT !!

So from my mother, and all my new sisters and brothers on this site – I thank you from the deepest part of my soul for giving to us a gift that brings the best of humanity together, with the highest of hopes; and in addition for new friendships formed through such an encouraging site.

You are that “friend” I describe in my sign-off message. Thank you for responding – you made my heart soar !!

Much love,

“I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.” – unknown


Hi Browneyedgirl,

I’m humbled and flattered by your note. I’d like to say I knew what the website would become, but then I’d be saying more than I know. Saysuzie has been an incredible inspiration to me, and I have seen first-hand the extreme pain she has gone through after her daughter succumbed to Lupus. “Extreme pain” is bad English to describe her torment, like calling the Grand Canyon a big ditch.

When I setup the site it was my hope it would be a resource for people, but I had no idea the deep connections that would be made between diagnosed Lupus patients. The forum was slow for a very long time, several years, but Saysuzie was persistent in helping people out. As a result of that, the website has become a major Lupus support website and is getting more exposure within the Lupus community.

We’ve gone through the walk of fire to keep all our discussion forums running, and some people question my sanity for keeping them up. But notes like yours make me realize there is no other acceptable course but to keep them alive and well for people to openly share and discuss the different points of their life’s journey.



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