ImpEx Timeout Error

Fix for the dreaded ImpEx white screen timeout error. ImpEx is a utility to import various forum mysql databases into the VBulletin format. This timeout error happens most common when importing the POSTS with a count over 400,000. This is probably the largest part of your database. The timeout error around 400,000 posts imported results in a blank white screen that you can’t navigate away from (and an incomplete database transfer).

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Proof of God’s Existence

Update: By Popular Demand, the local number for the Pizza Hut on Taipa Island (Macau SAR China) is 853-2884-3133

You know you have those times in your life when your walk of faith faulters – then something miraculous happens that strengthens your resolve. I have just had such a momentous experience.

Tired of eating rice and noodles, ox tail and being tricked yesterday into eating chicken feet here in China – I have decided it’s time to make a stand.

To my great exhuberent joy I have discovered a Pizza Hut around the corner that delivers to my apartment here in China. Proof positive that heavenly hosts are looking out for me…

And yes, it tastes pretty close to pizza back home. Just have to make sure you order the tomato sauce base instead of the Thousand Island dressing base. (Gross, but true…)