Best University for Music Production

Email question received:

I am trying to get into a good music school for music production, vocals and maybe even to have my own music label. I’ve been singing for 8yrs and my goal is to make my own music and sing for a living, I LOVE IT. It’s my passion. I was wondering if maybe you had a good choice of school for these specialties.??

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PhpMyAdmin Error 2002

This is an error seen when connecting to PhpMyAdmin via Cpanel.

Error: #2002 – The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server’s socket is not correctly configured)

Fix: Symbolically link /tmp/mysql.sock to /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

*Restart MySql services for changes to take effect.*

Or here’s an even easier fix:

To make your life easier, you can make a simple change to the MySQL configuration file /etc/my.cnf that will permanently set the socket file used by the mysql client. After making a backup copy of /etc/my.cnf, open it in your favorite editor. The file is divided into sections such as



If there is not currently a section called [client], add one at the bottom of the file and copy the socket= line under the [mysqld] section such as:


If there is already a [client] section in the my.cnf file, add or edit the socket line as appropriate. You won’t need to restart your server or any other processes. Subsequent uses of the mysql client will use the proper socket file.

Applause in Church

Received an email recently from someone who performed at a church concert where the audience was asked to not applaude between songs. They were a little upset about it and wanted to know what I thought about it.

I’ll start by saying I’ve played at a lot of churches that applaud, and a lot that don’t. I never tried to change the ways of each group, just went with the flow. I was usually a hired musician and didn’t feel it was my place to make calls like that. Each church has it’s own culture. I was raised in a Lutheran church that rarely clapped – so later in life I had to get used to hearing clapping in church.

Continue reading “Applause in Church”

Bar Girls Ten Commandments


Here’s the top ten commandments for Asian bargirls. I remember those “juice girls” outside the US military bases in South Korea – same rules apply. If you’re a single guy visiting any major city in Asia – you WILL run into them. So read this and keep your guard up. It seems funny now, but tell me how funny it is after you’ve been through it a couple times (ask anyone stationed in South Korea, if they’ll admit it). Want to get the real scoop? Go to Google and type “bargirl” – there’s all the info you need. Don’t be a stupid farang, get informed.

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