We had our opening night for Seussical the Musical last night. It was absolutely fantastic. Over sixty kids on stage and a twenty piece orchestra. I had previously been told I would not be able to coordinate that many children musically with such a large orchestra. But we’ve done it, and done it well.
A BIG thank you to Kyle Blevins our sound designer. He is an excellent audio tech and has done an outstanding job fulfilling the demanding requirements of the show.
Music by Stephen Flaherty
Lyrics by Lynn Ahrens
Book by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty
Co-Conceived by Lynn Ahrens, Stephen Flaherty and Eric Idle
Based on the works of Dr. Seuss
November 3 thru 12, 2006
McIntyre Hall, Mount Vernon
Producer – Kate Kypuros
Directors – Dave and Carrie James
Vocal Director and Conductor – Conrad Askland
Choreographer – Skye Dahlstrom
Stage Director – Ryn Bishop
Sound Design – Kyle Blevins
Set Designer – Elizabeth Stam
Lighting Design – Don Willcuts
Lead Costume Designer – Kathryn Gildnes
Bird Costume Designer – Mary Jo Henning
Cat and Kangaroo Costumes – Maura Marlin
Assistant to the Directors – Jen Spence
Assistant to the Producer – Susan Arthur
Parent Volunteer Coordinator – Justine Sanders
Photography by Sergei Petrov and Greg Sanders
Set Building – Aviathar Pemberton, Sergei Petrov, Leo Kypuros, Jeff Whidden
Set Crew – Rob Bonner, Paul Thelan, Nate Young, Robin Miller, Spenser Demarais
Scenic Painters – Elizabeth Stam and Sergie Petrov
Make-up Direction – Janae Moorehouse
Make-up – Stephania Kay
Fly Crew – Dave Mumford and Spencer Desmarais
Spot – Paul Thelan
Deck Crew – Suzann McLamb, Robin Miller, Amanda McDaniel
Props Creation – Holly Bunnell, Justine Sanders, Annie Bratun
Props Mistress – Annie Bratun
Graphics – Kristin Jensen
Bookstore and Lobby Kiosks – Deborah Cleave-Trepus
Conductor – Conrad Askland
Keyboard 2 – Brianne Weaver
Keyboard 3 – Lauren Lippens
Keyboard 4 – Ruth Haines
Keyboard 5 – Kathryn Kahn
Trumpet I – Cindy Luna
Trumpet II – Bryan Frank
Trombone – Paul Brower
Alto Sax – Kyle McInnis
Tenor Sax, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet – Michelle Hanna
Baritone Sax, Oboe, Clarinet – Rebecca Wright
Flute, Piccolo – Alicia Jackson
Violin I – Luke Hansen
Violin II – Louise Cheney
Cello – Sharon Sparling
Harp – Christy Swartz
Bass Guitar – Peter Bridgman
Drums – David Bridgman
Percussion – Oscar De La Rosa
Conductor’s Assistant – Andrew Teijan
(In Order of Appearance)
Jojo – Ireland Woods
Cat in the Hat – Mike Marlin
Horton the Elephant – Matt Olsen
Gertrude – Bianca Campbell
Mayzie – Ashley Henning
The Sour Kangaroo – Falon Calderon
Lynette Cole
Zoey Kypuros
Corinn Holberg
McKenzie Willis
Mary Witt
Savanna Woods
Michael Giles
Karina Grech
Jessiejo Huizinga
Trevor Hansen
Tiffany Richardson
Yertle the Turtle – Sam Mitchell
Vlad Vladikoff – Kaylah Golub
Mayor – Nate Young
Mrs. Mayor – Paige Woods
General Genghis Khan Schmitz – Mike Krugel
The Grinch – Jayme Craig
Katie Arthur
Jackson Dillard
Elle England
Olivia Pedroza
Brittany Schmidt
Mariah Schmidt
Robert Summers
Selena Tibert
Nathaniel Voth
Adele Clark
Brooke Desper
Seth Laurence
Whitney Lindquist
Jahldi Merritt
Tatum Sprouse
Zoe Whidden
Sarah Bamba
Courtney Bunnell
Blakelee Clay-McBee
Drew Erlandson
Devon Fair
Chamidae Ford
Makenzie Fox
Bailey Hodges
Emma Johnson
Katie Keck
Kiara Landi
Magdalena McGuire
Elena Olfke
Susie Pollino
Lauren Riley
Paris Sanders
Summer Sanders
Nicole Trepus
Angela Uptain
Miranda Uptain
Jensen Weynands-Mains
Emily Watilo
The Floyd and Delores Jones Foundation
Seussical the Musical presented by
META Performing Arts
through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI)
Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church
Sewer’s Dream
Skagit Valley Performing Arts Council
Elfa Gisla
Copy This, Mail That
Village Theatre
Cascade Pizza
The Lincoln Theatre
Kelly Pollino
Joan Landi
Diane Giles
Rob Bonner
Not that long ago, children were taught to read using books that were dry, dull and devoid of any attempt to entertain the brand-new readers at whom they were aimed. But in 1936, while returning from Europe on a steam ship, Theodore Geisel had an idea for a book about a young child who dreams up an increasingly wacky story about his adventures walking home from school.
The words in the book were written while Geisel listened to the rhythm of the ship’s steam engines, and thus followed their meter. Publisher after publisher told him that such a book could never be printed, people wouldn’t accept it, and that Geisel should forget about writing stories for children.
He didn’t forget about it. When the 29th publisher finally agreed to print “And To Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street”, literature changed forever. Although few people know about a children’s book writer named Mr. Geisel, his middle name is known in every American household: SEUSS!
While Seussical the Musical may have had a rocky road to Broadway (Rosie O’Donnell is probably not America’s greatest thespian), the first time we saw it performed, we were blown away by the message about the awesomeness of imagination taught to us by Jojo. Our hearts melted at the love story between Horton and Gertrude. We cheered for the Whos as they tried to save their tiny planet, and we left the theater singing our favorite songs from the show!
After such a fantastic experience, it was a no-brainer to choose this as META’s fall musical. We have had such an amazing time working with these talented actors and actresses. Conrad has taught us “volumes” about music, and Skye has taken the cast’s dancing skills to new levels.
Our sincerest thanks go to our cast and crew for their hard work and dedication. They made our work enjoyable, and our rehearsals fun.
Carrie and Dave – The Directors