GeoDezik Projection Design for Macao Cirque Show

� delirium-battle.png

News Release from

Cirque Du Soleil – Macao, China / Chine

(French) – Geodezik conçoit présentement les projections vidéo d’un nouveau spectacle permanent du Cirque du Soleil qui sera présenté � partir de 2008 � Macao en Chine. Sous la direction du metteur en scène Gilles Maheu et en collaboration avec le scénographe Guillaume Lord, Geodezik développe un dispositif de projection unique en son genre (� suivre!).

(English) – Geodezik is currently working on the content and setup design for a new permanent Cirque Du Soleil show in Macao, China. Working with show director Gilles Maheu and scenographer Guillaume Lord, Geodezik is developping a unique projection device (more to come !).

� Photo above – Battle sequence from Delirium

– Conception de la régie et de la diffusion vidéo
– Montage en-ligne
– Intégration de la vidéo captée en direct et des effets vidéo en temps réel

– Video control and projection set-up design
– On-line editing
– Live video and realtime video FX integration
Delirium – Cirque Du Soleil
Conception Video / Video Designers : Michel Lemieux + Victor Pilon
Conception Éclairage / Lighting Design : Alain Lortie
Conception Décors / Set Design : Anne-Séguin Poirier


Geodezik design and produce video content for projection. Geodezik creates images for a variety of projects such as public performances, televised performances, theatre, dance, museum and architectural installations. Our content is original and exclusive and we are present every step of the creative and technical process.

Around the four member core of Geodezik, there are a variety of artists and technicians that make up the Geodezik team : our distinctive edge. With this highly experimented and talented group of people, Geodezik can make the best of the creative and technical ressources for every project.

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