Video clips of the 2003 film “Luther” about Martin Luther and the Reformation. I have a wide variety of views listed here. I don’t agree with all of them, but I enjoy the diversity. And it interests me that 500 years later people are still so passionate about Martin Luther.
Martin Luther defends himself at the Diet of Worms:
Diet of Worms – Different movie version – black and white:
Martin Luther in Rome (2003 LUTHER movie:
German Trailer – 2003 Luther film:
A video saying Martin Luther is the “devil”:
One of the first defenses is “Luther said the Catholic church sold indulgences. That’s not true, they gave FREE indulgences to people that donated to rebuild St. Peter’s”. I’m told this argument is still used today…
Video critical of Martin Luther:
Jesus Christ vs. Martin Luther – who will you follow?
2002 Documentary on Luther and the Reformation:
Why the Protestant Reformation matters – Sermon
Attack on Martin Luther from YouTube member:
Catholic vs. Protestant (Apple Parody)
Battle Hymn of the Reformation
“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”
Martin Luther vs. the Catholic Church – Part One
Martin Luther vs. the Catholic Church Part Two – Documentary w/film clips
Martin Luther vs. The Catholic Church – Part Three
The Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra from Pioneer Drive Baptist Church in Abilene, Texas present Mark Hayes’ arrangement of “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” in their 10:35am service on February 24th, 2008.
Martin Luther – Documentary Part One excerpt:
Luther documentary Part Two:
Luther documentary Part Three:
Documentary Part Four:
Documentary Part Five:
Documentary video Part Six:
Martin Luther was not a saint. Here is
“Positive Atheism’s Big Scary List of Martin Luther Quotations”:
This video is dedicated to Martin Luther who struggled a lifetime to understand more clearly a person’s relationship with God and to Luther’s insights which have been shared with us through these centuries..
“I cannot and I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen”,answered Dr.Martin Luther.
Standing before the Holy Roman Emperor
and the princes of Germany, Martin Luther refused to give way. From the moment he had nailed his ninety five theses to the church door in Wittenberg, he had been a wanted man.His enemies accused him of heresy, his books were burned, and he was threatened with excommunication and death.
Dr.Roland Bainton was a leading specialist in Reformation history. The author of many books, he was Titus Street Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Yale Divinity School in the United States. His most famous book “Here I Stand” pictures the struggles, conflicts and achievements in Martin Luther’s life and gives a vivid and exciting portrait of the man who reshaped the face of Europe and turned the church of his time upside-down. Now Dr.Bainton tells that story in the German countryside WHERE LUTHER WALKED!
Where Luther Walked – Part One
With the author of Here I Stand:
Where Luther Walked – Part Two:
Where Luther walked – Part Three:
Martin Luther does the Chicken Dance
Ok, maybe I’ve spent too much time on Youtube now!
Where can I find the music to this movie?