Muslim Creationsim


Have you heard of Harun Yahya, the writing pseudonym for Adnan Oktar? You will soon if you are into the creation vs. evolution debates.

He is doing the same as ID and Creationist proponents are doing in the US – encourage the fall of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in favor of teaching Creationism in schools. So what’s the big deal? He’s doing it in Europe and to support Islam creationism.

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Pope Prays for Anglican Schism Over Women Ministers

 The Pope is praying that there are no more schisms in the Anglican church over their recent decision to ordain female ministers. Next on the agenda is same-sex marriages and gay ministers. Vatican says the recent decision causes an “obstacle” between the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church.


Still, the Vatican on Tuesday said the decision by the Church of England to allow women to become bishops will be an obstacle to its reconciliation with the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican does not permit the ordination of women.

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