What’s it like to work at Cirque?

Received this email today asking me what it’s like to work for Cirque Du Soleil.

Hi Mr. Askland,
I am curious to know how it is to work at Cirque? What are the hours you work as a musician? How long do you have to prepare for an audition after they choose you to be part of the show?

Please let me know.
Best regards

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Do You Need a College Degree for a Music Career?

Email question received – How important is a degree for a career in music?

Hey conrad i have an interest in music production/recording and need some advice if you have the time. Im thinking about school at mtsu outside of nashville and i was wondering about job oppertunities and the long hrs was a concern. Is it long hrs no doubt or does it depend on the area of study? Is a degree a must?


A degree or certificate sure looks good on a resume when you’re starting out. Many people I work with that have good positions for their age have some sort of degree or certification. That being said, I don’t have any – but I studied very hard for years at different universities, workshops and with many artists. If I had to do it again, I may have jump started with a degree instead of learning everything the hard way.

Best University for Music Production

Email question received:

I am trying to get into a good music school for music production, vocals and maybe even to have my own music label. I’ve been singing for 8yrs and my goal is to make my own music and sing for a living, I LOVE IT. It’s my passion. I was wondering if maybe you had a good choice of school for these specialties.??

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