Mystery of Aurora Borealis


Cape Canaveral, Fla. — Scientists have exposed some of the mystery behind the northern lights.

On Thursday, NASA released findings that indicate magnetic explosions about one-third of the way to the moon cause the northern lights, or aurora borealis, to burst in spectacular shapes and colors, and dance across the sky.

Read the full Aurora Borealis Controversy article

Did you know there was controversy over the cause of the Aurora Borealis in the Great White North? I didn’t. Had always understood it to be the reflection of light at the poles, nothing of a mystery.

Several years ago I played the Alaska State Fair (I think it was 2003) with Freddy Fender and for the first time got to see the Aurora Borealis in person. It is really one of those things you have to see in person – you don’t get the feel of it by seeing it on video or the big screen. It’s appears as if truly magical!

Muslim Creationsim


Have you heard of Harun Yahya, the writing pseudonym for Adnan Oktar? You will soon if you are into the creation vs. evolution debates.

He is doing the same as ID and Creationist proponents are doing in the US – encourage the fall of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in favor of teaching Creationism in schools. So what’s the big deal? He’s doing it in Europe and to support Islam creationism.

Continue reading “Muslim Creationsim”

Pope Prays for Anglican Schism Over Women Ministers

 The Pope is praying that there are no more schisms in the Anglican church over their recent decision to ordain female ministers. Next on the agenda is same-sex marriages and gay ministers. Vatican says the recent decision causes an “obstacle” between the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church.


Still, the Vatican on Tuesday said the decision by the Church of England to allow women to become bishops will be an obstacle to its reconciliation with the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican does not permit the ordination of women.

Full article:

Definition of Heresy

“I believe the general rule of thumb in these matters is that the guy on the other side of the fence is the one  guilty of holding heretical views.”

I saw that posted today on one of my religion discussion forums. I really thought it was fantastic and caused me to stop and think about it for quite a while. I guess the paradym shift to remember on this is that while our side of the fence seems like home – there is indeed another side (several) to that fence that others see equally or stronger as home also…

Sharon Stone says China Earthquake is Bad Karma

HONG KONG — The backlash in China against Sharon Stone continued Wednesday as the Shanghai International Film Festival said the American actress was not welcome at this year’s event

The 50-year-old “Basic Instinct” star provoked outrage in China after suggesting that the recent earthquake in central Sichuan province may have been the result of bad “karma” because of Beijing’s rule in Tibet.

Continue reading “Sharon Stone says China Earthquake is Bad Karma”

Darwin Recanted on his Deatbed

Think about this:  Galileo was forced to admit to the public that the Earth was flat by the Catholic Church. Does that make the Earth flat today?

Now fast-forward to Charles Darwin and the claim: “Darwin recanted the theory of evolution on his deathbed”. I saw that posted again today on a creation debate discussion forum.
No, he didn’t. Sorry, it’s just not true. I thought this had long been put to rest, but saw it posted yesterday on one of my creation vs. evolution discussion websites.

This is a very old and untrue argument (if it can be called an argument, doesn’t really even have a bearing on anything). In fact, it is such an untrue statement that even the creation flagship website says not to use it.

Continue reading “Darwin Recanted on his Deatbed”

Proof of God’s Existence

Update: By Popular Demand, the local number for the Pizza Hut on Taipa Island (Macau SAR China) is 853-2884-3133

You know you have those times in your life when your walk of faith faulters – then something miraculous happens that strengthens your resolve. I have just had such a momentous experience.

Tired of eating rice and noodles, ox tail and being tricked yesterday into eating chicken feet here in China – I have decided it’s time to make a stand.

To my great exhuberent joy I have discovered a Pizza Hut around the corner that delivers to my apartment here in China. Proof positive that heavenly hosts are looking out for me…

And yes, it tastes pretty close to pizza back home. Just have to make sure you order the tomato sauce base instead of the Thousand Island dressing base. (Gross, but true…)