Kong Hei Fat Choi from Macau, China! 2011 is the year of the rabbit so that should be fun for all of us. Above is video and photos I shot in Macau on Chinese New Year’s Eve (February 2, 2011). Pictures of Senado Square, Macau Tower fireworks and my personal adventures purchasing rockets and explosives on the Macau waterfront. Good times.
And here is a very fun video from Mr. Kong Macau News. This was my third Chinese New Year living in Macau and this one was the best ever! I gave out my lucky red pocket lai cee cards to all the security guards and even received on myself at work.
And a big “Kong Hei Fat Choi” right back to you from the frozen land of North America! By my calculations, if you could convince a large group
to point those fireworks 90 degrees to the right, we might warm up over here, where Feb. 2nd is Groundhog Day. I think Punxsutawney Phil tells fibs. He reported not seeing his shadow, inferring spring is on the way. Trade you a groundhog for a rabbit?
Love the video 🙂 interesting!